Services and Fees
Free Phone Consultation

Call Carol or email now for a free 20 minute phone conversation to explore your interests and help you find the right solution for you. 413-274-0286.
Past Life Regression Therapy:
Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace. The following questions and answers will help you decide if you’d like to experience this profound work with my assistance and support as a certified past life regression therapist. read more about past life regressions and life between lives regressions
Private Intuitive Readings and Spiritual Consultations:
Through my sensitivity to the spiritual realm I’m able to read energy on soul, psychic and physical levels to help you discover and affirm what you already know deep within yourself. Through my guidance and spirit’s validation, the reading can help you make healthier and clearer choices about the direction your life is going. You are in charge of your own destiny. I assist you in realizing how magnificent and empowered you truly are! read more about intuitive readings
Psychic Medium Readings from Loved Ones in Spirit:
I use my clairaudient and clairvoyant gifts to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. I’m able to hear them and receive visual impressions of them and of meaningful objects or symbols that confirm for you that I’ve made a connection with your loved one. I often can feel their personality and emotions as well. I work through my heart with deep gratitude for the ability to communicate with these spirits for your benefit. read more about spirit medium readings
Group Workshops:
I offer group workshops to discover your past lives for those who prefer to experience this incredible journey in a group setting first before working with me privately. A group workshop gives you an opportunity to see how you can tap into your past lives in a comfortable setting with others and also observe how a past life session occurs. read more about group workshops
My fees are $150 per hour for all private intuitive readings, spiritual coaching sessions and messages from your loved ones in spirit. An additional family member in a one hour reading is $50. Past life regression sessions are two to three hours long and are $350 for each session. A three session package is $999. This discount is offered because I feel three sessions are the most therapeutic for your healing journey. You can definitely benefit from only one session but healing is even more profound and long lasting with three sessions or more. If you are scheduling a phone reading, you may prepay with PayPal. Office sessions may be paid by check or cash.
You can meet with me at my home office, The Lighthouse, in Great Barrington, MA., The Spring in Old Saybrook, CT, by phone, or, by previous arrangement, throughout the eastern U.S.
You are welcome to record any session with your own recording equipment.
Payment can be made by check, cash, or with a debit/credit card through PayPal. It’s not necessary to have an account with PayPal to complete a PayPal transaction. Payment in advance is required for telephone readings. Once you discover which services you would like to receive when paying by credit card, I will send you an invoice by e-mail. An e-mail link will connect you to pay by credit card through Pay Pal or, if necessary, you can mail a check to Carol McGlinchey, P.O. Box 486, Housatonic, MA 01236. Thanks!

Please visit the Contact page for information about scheduling an appointment with Psychic Medium and Past Life Regression Therapist Carol McGlinchey.