Welcome to Spirit Messages with Carol McGlinchey

I’m so glad that you’ve found my website. Take time to browse and discover what it is that brought you here: a desire for past life regressions, intuitive readings or messages from your loved ones in spirit.
My home office, The Lighthouse, at 10 Beacon Hill in the village of Housatonic, MA (town of Great Barrington) is conveniently located in western MA one hour from Albany, New York; a short drive from Connecticut; and six miles south of Exit 1 on the Mass Pike. My satellite office where I see clients once monthly is at The Spring Wellness Center in Old Saybrook, CT. Phone sessions are also available to national and international clients.
Past Life Regressions – Intuitive Coaching – Messages from Spirit in Connecticut, Massachusetts, By Phone
Offering Healing Services Worldwide Since 1998
- Do you feel you have been here before and want to know how your past lives influence your present life?
- Are you feeling stuck? Do you want to let go of old beliefs that limit you?
- Do you feel a need to hear from your loved ones in spirit?
- Do you wonder what happens to your loved ones when they die? Are there things you wish you had said before someone passed on?
- Are you seeking spiritual guidance to help you make the best choices for your future?
- Would you like to experience more love, inner peace, self-acceptance and joy?